Extract package in a separate directory (for example, in a '\SEtool2' directory)ģ. Go to 'software files' directory on the support area, download latest SEtool2 distribution packageĢ.

Step three download and install SEtool2 softwareġ. Press 'GO SUPPORT' - your default browser now should open SEtool2 support area Execute 'supporter.exe' - you should get this windowĤ. Download and extract archive 'supporter.rar'ģ. Step two getting access to the SEtool2 support areaĢ.

Plug your SEtool2 Smart Card in USB port. The installer will setup or upgrade the driver automatically.Ĥ. Run the 'Axalto-egate-drivers-v3.0.6.0.msi' and follow-up the instruction. This is a location for the driver software that you will identify when you configure the e-gate USB Smart Card to use the drivers.ģ. Extract the driver package in any available space on your system (for example, in a \downloads directory).